BBW Dating Tips for Men Who Like Big Women

One of the most under-used parts of big women dating sites is the chat-room.


Indeed, you can often meet more big women and get more dates by making good use of big women dating site chat rooms than you would in the conventional way.


There are many similarities among big women dating sites, and, of course, many differences. The biggest and the best ones, however, will provide a chat room (or several chat rooms) for members to be able to communicate on a common platform at the same time.


Most men who like big women think meeting plus size women online is a simple matter of putting up a smart profile, browsing the membership base for some likely candidates, firing off an enticing email, and waiting for the responses to flood back.


Of course, for those guys who do put the required effort and time into the above strategy, the results will come. Especially if they do enough research into what tactics work best in order to meet lots of girls online.


But, having been a member of several large big women dating sites, I can attest to the fact that the chat rooms are teeming with approachable women. And so many men are unaware of it!


Why are chat rooms so great for meeting women? Well, there are a few reasons, some not as obvious as you might think initially.


The number one plus about chat rooms on BBW dating websites is their dynamic nature. It really is like talking to people in a bar, albeit in a cyber setting. The conversation is flying thick and fast, and you have a great opportunity to get people noticing you. Normally, when you first join an online chat involving the dating site’s members, people will suddenly start checking out your profile to get an idea of the person behind the “handle”. Some sites have a facility to see which women have been looking at you – if a girl goes back for more than one look, this is a sign of interest.



Importantly, the instantaneous nature of the chat room also means that guys who are not normally great with words when it comes to composing e-mails can get away with using shorthand forms of communication. Your SMS style of writing is much more acceptable here, and you will find all of the people are tending to communicate this way. In other words, girls will pay less attention to any deficiencies in the way you express yourself in writing in a chat room setting than they might when you are sending off emails to big women as an “introduction”.


Sometimes, guys can just sit back and watch the conversation unfold, and contribute when they have something witty or appropriate to say. Often, this “spectator” approach can draw huge dividends – just don’t be a creep who just sits there and never contributes at all. This will put the girls off completely.


If you can draw a woman away from the crowded chat room environment and engage her in a private chat, then this can be a hundred times more effective than the traditional “email-and-wait” strategy.


So, if you are a member of an online big women dating site, get onto the chat rooms and start socializing – you may be going out on some amazing dates very fast this way!